The Rise of Sexual Fluidity

The Rise of Sexual Fluidity

Sexuality is fluid

Traditional views on sexuality are changing. There has been a growing acceptance and understanding of sexual fluidity in recent years, and according to the latest sex survey by DAZED, 50% of Gen Z describe their sexuality as fluid.

We are witnessing the rise of "flexuality". Studies have revealed that 1 in 2 young people say they are not completely heterosexual, and 78% of Gen Z believe that gender identity and binaries don't define a person as much as they used to.

We are breaking away from society's traditional views on sexuality, which often saw sexual orientation as fixed and unchanging. You no longer have to be labelled "gay", "straight", "lesbian", "or bisexual". Now you can embrace fluid sexuality and be who you want to be. The shift in attitude is empowering people to feel comfortable exploring their own sexual fluidity and sexual preferences, and it looks like Gen Z are leading the way.

What is sexual fluidity?

Sexual fluidity is the idea that sexual attractions can change. Sexually fluid people can feel sexually attracted to different genders at different times of their lives. This is in contrast to the traditional view of sexual orientation as a fixed and unchanging trait.

Some sexually fluid people simultaneously experience same-gender orientation and attraction to people of the opposite sex. Others feel that their attractions are more fluid and can change depending on the situation.

How is sexual fluidity different from sexual orientation?

Sexual orientation refers to your physical, emotional and romantic attraction to other people. Sexual fluidity means there is a possibility for changes in that attraction. In other words, sexual orientation is a long-term pattern of attraction to specific genders, while sexual fluidity is the potential for that pattern to change. Some people who experience sexual fluidity may identify with a certain sexual orientation (eg. bisexual). Others may not like to label their experiences.

The difference between bisexuality and sexual fluidity

Sexual fluidity is sometimes confused with bisexuality. These two concepts are related, but they are not the same thing. People who are bisexual experience sexual fluidity, but not all people who describe themselves as sexually fluid identify as bisexual.

Bisexuality is a term used to describe sexual orientation. If you identify as bisexual, you are attracted to multiple gender identities. Bisexuality is a label, whereas sexual fluidity is a concept.

Let's look at some examples. A person who identifies as straight may find themselves attracted to someone of the same gender. This doesn't have to be labelled as "bisexual" or "gay", this is a straight person experiencing sexual fluidity. Someone who identifies as bisexual may experience shifts in their attraction to different genders over time and may be considered sexually fluid. However, their overall sexual orientation is still bisexual, because they are consistently attracted to both males and females.


How do I know if I'm sexually fluid?

Sexual fluidity is a personal and unique experience. There is no right or wrong way to feel when it comes to your sexual identity. A sign that you're sexually fluid is feeling changes in your attraction to people, regardless of their gender. These attractions could change in different situations, or shift over periods of time.

There are many factors that can influence your sexual fluidity, including personal experiences, cultural and societal norms, and personal identity. You may find that your sexual orientation changes as you go through different stages of life. For example, when you are in a new environment or have had a significant life event. Or you may find that your sexual orientation is fluid from the beginning, fluctuating over time without any specific trigger.

If you think you may be sexually fluid - embrace it! Talking about it can help you to explore your feelings and understand yourself better. Remember there is no right or wrong way to experience your sexuality. Be true to yourself and your own experiences.

What causes you to become sexually fluid?

One theory about the cause of sexual fluidity is that it is related to your level of openness to new experiences. Some research has shown that people who score higher on measures of openness are more likely to experience changes in sexual orientation over time. It is also possible that sexual fluidity is related to your level of comfort with your own sexuality. Those who feel more comfortable with their own sexuality have a higher likelihood of exploring and experimenting with different types of attraction.

Cultural and societal factors can also influence sexual fluidity. For example, if you are from a culture that is accepting of homosexuality and bisexuality, you may be more likely to explore and express your own same-sex attractions. Unfortunately, not all cultures are like this. If you live in an oppressive culture, you may feel you have to suppress or hide your same-sex attractions.

Sexual fluidity is a normal and natural part of human sexuality. There is no "correct" way to experience sexual attraction. Explore and express your own sexuality in a way that feels authentic to you.

What is a sexually fluid relationship?

A fluid relationship is a type of romantic or sexual relationship in which people do not have fixed roles or expectations. In a fluid relationship, you may have multiple partners, switch between different roles (such as being dominant or submissive), or otherwise have a more flexible and open approach to your relationship.

Fluid relationships are also sometimes referred to as non-monogamous, open, or polyamorous relationships. These relationships are based on the idea that love and affection are not limited, and that it is possible to have more than one romantic or sexual partner at a time. The DAZED Sex Survey revealed that Gen Z are the most likely to be in a sexually fluid relationship. Gen Z people prefer to be experimental and undefined which is changing how they express themselves. The survey also found 15% of all people in relationships are in a relationship with more than one person.

Removing the boundaries put in place by traditional relationships can be a great way to explore your sexual identity, but if you're having sex with multiple partners make sure you're doing it safely. That’s where iPlaySafe comes in. It’s important to stay up to date with your sexual health status if you’re in a sexually fluid relationship. iPlaySafe provides home STI testing kits integrated with an app where you receive your results in the form of a ‘play badge’. You can share that info with someone else through the app if and when you want to. It’s a quick, simple, and sexy way to confirm your sexual health status with a potential new partner.


How does a sexually fluid relationship work?

Fluid relationships can take many different forms, and the specific rules and boundaries of each relationship will depend on the people involved. Some people in fluid relationships may have a primary partner and additional partners on the side. Others may have multiple partners who are all equally important to them.

If you're considering going into a fluid relationship, it's important to communicate openly and honestly with your partner(s) and to establish clear boundaries to ensure that everyone is on the same page.

What are the challenges we are facing with sexual fluidity?

One of the challenges you may encounter as a sexually fluid person is finding support and understanding from others. Some people may struggle to understand why your sexual orientation can change, and may not be accepting or supportive of these changes. They may discount your feelings or tell you it's "just a phase", but remember your sexuality has nothing to do with anyone else.

Another challenge you may face is dealing with the lack of representation and visibility in mainstream media and society. There are very few media representations of sexual fluidity, and as a result, you may feel isolated or misunderstood.

If you are sexually fluid or beginning to explore it, find friends and support groups who understand and accept you for who you are. Seek out resources and communities where you can find support and understanding. Join a sex positive dating app such as Feeld, where you can meet other open-minded people to explore and celebrate your sexuality with.

Sexual fluidity is a normal and natural part of human sexuality. It's important to recognise and accept that sexual orientation can change in certain circumstances and at different points of your life. Be open to the changes, and supportive of others who are sexually fluid. Together we must work towards creating a society that is more accepting and inclusive of all forms of sexual orientation and expression.

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